Via Montenapoleone

Milan is considered to be the fashion center of the world. The place has headquarters and businesses of some of the leading international designers, which include Gucci, Prada, Armani, Versace, and Dolce & Gabbana. The Lombard metropolis is famous for its fashion houses and shops (such as along via Montenapoleone), this via is an elegant street in Milan, Italy, famous for fashion and jewelry shops. It is the most important street of the Milan Fashion District (Italian Quadrilatero della moda) where many well-known fashion designers have their high-end boutiques and stores from Italian designers to all the world famous brands. It is comparable to other world-famous streets including 5th Ave in New York City, Avenue Montaigne and Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré in Paris, and other famous Italian avenues such as Via dei Tornabuoni in Florence and Via Condotti in Rome. Gucci is the greatest-selling Italian fashion brand in this street, with worldwide sales of $7.158 billion dollars. Other well-known Italian fashion houses include: Valentino Garavani, Dolce & Gabbana, Emilio Pucci, Versace, Giorgio Armani and Prada. MIlan is very important because it has the most popular fashion in the world, with designer such as Gucci, Dolce and Gabbana, Versace….It provides a lot of money to Italian’s economy and famous people go every year to buy some clothes. I don’t like fashion but nowadays it’s important to people who likes wear fancy and especial dresses

~ by christancho69 on February 20, 2009.

9 Responses to “Via Montenapoleone”

  1. i like your blog
    i’m agree with your opinion
    i think that you should put some pictures

  2. I like it. this blog is interesting

  3. I LiKe yOuR ToPiC..
    Is gOoD AnD vErY
    i ThInK ThAt mAyBe
    yOu cAn PuT SoMe

  4. I haven’t thought this before. The fashion it’s one of the entrace of economy of Italy, especially in milan. I thougth in other things but fashion produce ritchness for this and other coutries from Europe like France and Germany. Interesting your report!

  5. honestly you should put more color
    and pics

  6. I like what you wrote and i don´t knew some of the international designers that you mention. What do you think about fashion??

  7. It’s interesting but simple

  8. i agree with you , the fashion doesn’t matter for us , but some people like it

  9. hi Christian:
    As i could see the information you posted here is very important. However there are some sentences without puncutation and some spelling mistakes too. Check it out.
    Besides, i would like to know more about your ideas of fashion, do you think fashion in Colombia is a good as it is in Milàn? why?

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